Winter will be here before you know it and now is the time to start thinking of ways to prepare your furnace for winter months. Nothing is worse than having an early cold spell and finding out that your furnace is not working or is working inefficiently. Not only do you want to make sure that your furnace works well, you also want to make sure that it is working up to efficiency so that you can save money on your home energy bills. In order to prepare your furnace for winter, you should take the following steps: Have someone clean and inspect the furnace This is the first step that should be done. In order to make sure that your furnace is in good working condition, you should make sure that someone comes in and cleans the furnace and inspects it to make sure that it is working properly. This usually only costs a few dollars for someone from an HVAC company to inspect a furnace and is well worth the cost as a furnace that is not operating efficiently is going to be costing you extra money in energy costs. Change the filter If possible, get a reusable filter for your furnace. These can be rinsed out over and over and then used over again, unlike other filters that have to be tossed away. Reusable filters will keep your furnace in good working order which will save you money in energy costs and will also save you money when it comes to buying new furnace filters. Be sure to change the filter every month to make sure your furnace is not only working accurately, but is giving you clean air. Have the heating ducts cleaned You can have the heating ducts cleaned when you are getting the carpets cleaned as often the same company that cleans the carpeting will also clean the heating ducts. This is one way to make sure that your furnace works up to capacity and also give you fresh clean air to breathe. These are just a few ways that you an prepare your furnace for winter, which you will want to do in the late summer before you need the furnace. By preparing your furnace for winter, you can be sure of getting the maximum use out of your furnace and also be able to save money in your energy bills as your furnace will be working in tip top shape.

saving energy

saving energy bill

saving energy bill