You can save money on your electric bill each month if you simply switch light bulbs when they burn out to more energy efficient light bulbs. Here are some tips on how you can save more energy as well as energy costs on your electric lighting each month: Install lower watt bulbs If you are still using older bulbs, make sure that they are lower watts. You may not need a 60 watt bulb when a 40 watt bulb will do. Sure, you want to be able to see, but when you have four of them attached to the light kit, does it really have to be blinding in the room? Save some money on your energy bill by using bulbs with lesser watts. Take out the bulb in the refrigerator People in your family may like to look in the refrigerator and browse. You can save some money on your electric bill in more ways than one by taking the bulb out of the refrigerator so that they cannot see in the dark. This will stop them from just looking and will get them to get what they want and shut the door. Use a night light If you want to light the way to the bathroom, use a night light instead of leaving a bathroom light lit. The bathroom light burns a lot more energy than the night light and some of them are battery operated. This will save you a substantial amount of money on your light bills. Turn off lights when leaving the room This seems like common sense, but some people do not feel that they need to do this and leave lights to burn all night long. You can save on your lighting bill, as well as your light bulbs if you turn the lights off when you leave the room. Set outside lights on a timer Set the outside lights to go on during the dark by using a timer. Outside lights are for safety precautions. If you have someone coming in late at night, you do not want them walking to a pitch black house. In addition to timers, you can also set these lights on motion sensors so that anyone approaching will cause the lights to turn on. These are not just light energy savers, but safety features as well. Switch to new bulbs New “green” energy saving light bulbs cost a little bit more money than the older bulbs but end up saving you money in the end when it comes to your light bill. Not only do they take less energy when they burn, but they also last a lot longer than regular bulbs, saving you even more money.

saving energy

saving energy bill

saving energy bill